NRX® Strap Kit Epicondylitis
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This kit is made from a combination of the NRX® Strap and NRX® Strap PLUS qualities for optimal function. The main body is made from NRX® Strap to conform easily and to create an anchor for the application. It has two straps to make application easy. The reinforcement part is made from NRX® Strap PLUS and can be used to provide more counterforce and support to the extensor and flexor tendons. A pad is also included that can be positioned on the NRX® Strap body, under the NRX® Strap PLUS reinforcement for more support. Both the body and the reinforcement can be customized by cutting the length of the straps.
Universal size
Indications: Lateral Or Medial Epicondylitis
Product code: NRX1006